
The /flutter_woo / config_file directory serves as a critical configuration hub in software systems that integrate the Flutter framework with WooCommerce or similar platforms. This folder typically stores essential configuration files that define key settings for an application, such as… Continue Reading config_file


The meta.json file is commonly found in web applications, often used to store metadata about configurations, files, or application settings. This file is essential for applications because it provides a structured JSON format for storing information that can be used… Continue Reading meta.json


An article on sellers.json, its origin, purpose, potential vulnerabilities, example code, protection methods, and recommended security tools. Introduction to sellers.json What is sellers.json?The sellers.json file is a standardized JSON file format introduced by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) for online… Continue Reading sellers.json


json.php file is commonly used in PHP applications to handle JSON data exchange, which has become increasingly popular as a format for structured data on the web. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is favored for its lightweight, readable format and is… Continue Reading json.php


The controller.php file in Baidu UEditor 1.4.2 has drawn significant attention for its security flaws. This script, specifically located at /ueditor142/php/controller.php?action=catchimage, exposes systems to severe threats. Exploiting this vulnerable system file can lead to unauthorized access and significant damage. One… Continue Reading controller.php


The .well-known directory is a standard used across various web applications and protocols. It's often in a website's root directory. It stores public config and metadata files. Web standards introduced it for interoperability. Websites use it to manage settings. It… Continue Reading .well-known